Project overview

CleanHME shall develop a new, clean, safe, compact and very efficient energy source based on Hydrogen-Metal and plasma systems, which could be a breakthrough for both private use as well as for industrial applications. The new energy source could be employed both as a small mobile system or alternatively as a stand-alone heat and electricity generator. We plan to construct a new compact reactor to test the HME technology during the long-term experiments and increase its technology readiness level. A comprehensive theory of HME phenomena shall be worked out as well. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement no 951974.


University of Szczecin

Institut Jozef Stefan

Uppsala Universitet



Institute for Solid-State Nuclear Physics


Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

Universita degli Studi di Siena

SART von Rohr

Lakehead University

BroadBit Energy Technologies

Akademia Morska w Szczecinie

Politecnico di Torino

Centre national de la recherche scientifique


Latest news

CleanHME final event held at the University of Szczecin

Jan/27 By

The CleanHME final event was held at the University of Szczecin during January 23-24, 2025. All participants presented their latest achievements. These final accomplishments include: Direct observation of high-energy particle emissions

Representatives of the University of Szczecin visit MIT for experiments

Oct/20 By

The CleanHME project is gradually coming to an end, but research work is not slowing down. In October and November of 2024, representatives of the University of Szczecin (Poland) will

Hands-on workshop at FutureOn labs

Jun/5 By

A visit to the FutureOn laboratory was organized on 23 and 24 May 2024, to exchange information and ideas on the tests underway in the different laboratories and about the

Open talk about the CleanHME project for high-school students!

Apr/16 By

On Friday, 19 April 2024, dr Natalia Targosz-Sleczka will present the CleanHME project to the high-school students during the “Science Festival” event in Stargard, Poland. The title of her open

CleanHME short film: the societal role and potential impact of nuclear research

Feb/8 By

CleanHME General Assembly Meeting on September 1st

Aug/6 By

Announcement: the next General Assembly Meeting of the CleanHME project will take place on September 1st, 2023 in Szczecin, Poland. All CleanHME members, and members only, are invited to this

Politecnico di Torino reports published

Jul/28 By

Ten reports written by Politecnico di Torino researchers (group lead by prof. Alberto Carpinteri) are published in the Downloads / Scientific Reports section of our website. These newly published reports

ICCF-25 abstracts’ submission deadline extended

Mar/31 By

The deadline for abstracts’ submission for ICCF-25, to be held in Szczecin, Poland, is extended until April 15, 2023. We invite you to submit abstracts on one of the following

Lecture in Polish on Cold fusion history and theory

Mar/23 By

The Polish Physical Society invited prof. Konrad Czerski to deliver a lecture, titled „Is the riddle of cold fusion solved yet?”. The talk is addressed to teenagers interested in natural

U.S. DoE Announces $10 Million in Funding to Projects Studying Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions

Feb/22 By

In the USA, five universities and three research institutes receive funding for the scientific study of low-energy nuclear reactions: MIT, a partner in the CleanHME consortium, is also on

University of Szczecin accelerator can now study truly low energy fusion reactions

Feb/15 By

The possibility to upgrade the linear accelerator at the University of Szczecin was given by the CleanHME project, financed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under

Announcement of the 25th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF-25)

Feb/2 By

Date: August 27 – 31, 2023, Location: Szczecin, Poland Organizer: University of Szczecin We are pleased to inform you that the 25th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF-25)

Educational materials on the CleanHME website

Sep/20 By

We added an Educational Materials page under the Downloads section of our website. More materials will be gradually added to this page. We intend this collection of materials to be

Reproducible set-up for the demonstration of low energy nuclear reactions

Aug/19 By

A presentation at the ICCF-24 conference describes an easily reproducible experimental set-up for the demonstration of low energy nuclear reactions. Radioactive isotopes are generated upon the application of electric pulses,

A new book addresses foundational questions

Aug/2 By

Several CleanHME contributors co-authored a recently published book, titled “Unified Field Theory and Occam’s Razor” (World Scientific). Unified Field Theory was an expression first used by Einstein in his attempt

CleanHME presentations at the ICCF-24 conference

Aug/2 By

Several scientists involved in our project presented their latest results at this year’s ICCF conference. You may see our conference presentations and posters here.

New scientific contributions to Low Energy Nuclear Reactions conferences

Jun/22 By

Summer started, but the CleanHME project is not going on vacation. The summertime is usually very busy for scientists who meet more often during conferences, workshops and schools. This summer

Increasing the scientific synergy in our consortium

May/10 By

One of the CleanHME project goals is to perform common and complementary experiments on low energy nuclear reactions. In May 2022, the Josef Stefan Institute (Slovenia) group hosts groups of

Frequently Asked Questions

Apr/19 By

We added a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section to the CleanHME web-site. It answers frequently asked questions about our work. You may find it in the menu bar at the

Visit the eLBRUS laboratory at the University of Szczecin, Poland

Mar/31 By

On April 6, 2022 we cordially invite you to visit the Nuclear Physics Laboratory at the eLBRUS Centre for Experimental Physics of the University of Szczecin, Poland. After a long

The possible activating role of strong currents

Mar/2 By

Dr Celani’s hydrated constantan wire based experiments are a simple platform for investigating the role of various control parameters. Previous investigations identified the hydrogen flux within the wire being the

New decelerating unit at the University of Szczecin

Feb/1 By

The linear accelerator for low-energy nuclear-reactions study at the University of Szczecin (Poland) will be equipped with a decelerating unit allowing us to reach very low energies of deuterium ions.

Meet the CleanHME experts – Mathieu Valat

Dec/17 By

Meet the experts working on the CleanHME project! Our next interview in this series is the introduction of Mathieu Valat. The next expert interview will be published in a week.

Meet the CleanHME experts – Jozef Zlomanczuk

Nov/26 By

Meet the experts working on the CleanHME project! Our next interview in this series is the introduction of Jozef Zlomanczuk. The next expert interview will be published in a week.

Meet the CleanHME experts – Andras Kovacs

Nov/22 By

Meet the experts working on the CleanHME project! Our fourth interview in this series is the introduction of Andras Kovacs. The next expert interview will be published in a week.

Meet the CleanHME experts – Konrad Czerski

Nov/12 By

Meet the experts working on the CleanHME project! Our third interview in this series is the introduction of our project coordinator, Konrad Czerski. The next expert interview will be published

Meet the CleanHME experts – Jean-Paul Biberian

Nov/5 By

Meet the experts working on the CleanHME project! Our second interview in this series is the introduction of Jean-Paul Biberian. The next expert interview will be published in a week.

Meet the CleanHME experts – Guido Parchi

Oct/29 By

Meet the experts working on the CleanHME project! Our first interview in this series is the introduction of Guido Parchi. The next expert interview will be published in a week.

General Assembly meeting at the University of Uppsala

Sep/24 By

On September 23-24, the CleanHME project General Assembly Meeting took place at Uppsala University, Sweden, giving the possibility to discuss scientific progress and challenges of the experimental and theoretical study,

CleanHME experts at the IWAHLM14

Sep/1 By

Several project participants attended the 14th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen Loaded Metals organized by the International Society For Condensed Matter Nuclear Science in Assisi (Italy).

Inter-university exchange on experimental techniques

Aug/24 By

The University of Szczecin (Poland) group visited the Sienna University (Italy) group to exchange information in experimental techniques used in the LENR study.

CleanHME experts present at ICCF23

Jun/9 By

Several project participants attended the ICCF23 conference organized by the Innovation Laboratory for Sciences and Technologies of Energy Materials of Fujian Province (IKKEM), China and by the State Key Laboratory

State-of-the-art electron screening investigation at the eLBRUS laboratory

Feb/26 By

Experimental study in the eLBRUS laboratory (University of Szczecin, Poland) started with the electron screening investigation in target studied previously by Josef Stefan Institut (Slovenia) in inverse kinematics.

Workshop in the memory of Dr M. Srinivasan

Jan/25 By

The Indian Institute of Technology organized a workshop commemorating Dr. M. Srinivasan, who sadly passed away recently. Nearly half of the presentations are made by researchers involved in CleanHME project

CleanHME seminars

Jan/21 By

Starting from this week, bi-weekly technical seminars have started in which the participants are discussing scientific progress and challenges of the experimental and theoretical study. The initial feedbacks are positive:

Call for CleanHME postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Szczecin (Poland)

Dec/13 By

Director of Centre for Experimental Physics ’eLBRUS’ of the University of Szczecin, with the approval from the Rector of the University of Szczecin, announces opening of the position of Postdoc in

European Inventors’ Day – November 9

Nov/8 By

On this day we encourage people to think creatively, to implement their own, even the most unusual ideas. This day is also a good opportunity for a dialog between inventors

The Hermes project is starting up

Nov/4 By

We are happy to share the news about the starting of Hermes project, which is in many ways complementary to CleanHME. Hermes will also research clean hydrogen-metal energy, with a

CleanHME kick-off meeting presentations are available

Oct/26 By

The CleanHME kick-off meeting was held on September 23-25, 2020. It was hosted by the University of Szczecin. All participants felt that it was a dynamic start to the project,

Energy Efficiency Day – October 7

Oct/7 By

Today is international energy efficiency day: this day reminds all of us to be conscious about energy efficiency improvements and seeking new energy sources. The main goal of the CleanHME

CleanHME kick-off meeting: first day is open to the public!

Sep/22 By

This news is relevant to all scientists, engineers, and technology enthusiasts interested in breakthrough energy technologies: the first day of the CleanHME kick-off meeting will be open to the general

CleanHME presentation at the LENR&EARTH workshop in Assisi

Sep/20 By

Dr Francesco Celani made a presentation at the ANV4 workshop on LENR & Earth, which was held in Assisi during September 10-12. His presentation focused on comparing the effect of

CleanHME kick-off meeting: September 23-25

Sep/10 By

The kick-of meeting of the CleanHME project will be held during September 23-25, hosted by the University of Szczecin. See the following link for the kick-off meeting program and travel

JCMNS volume 33 is published

Sep/4 By

Volume 33 of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (JCMNS) has been published. It can be accessed via This volume contains the proceedings of the ICCF-22 conference, which

A new study proves the role of H+ or D+ flux for LENR

Aug/7 By

The first CleanHME publication is a deep analysis of the over 80 experiments/tests performed at Frascati National Laboratory in Italy (June-September 2019). Lead author Francesco Celani said: “Our analysis, based

LENR&EARTH workshop in Assisi on September 10-11

Aug/3 By

Several Italian researchers will be back in Assisi on September 10-11, in the same place where the ICCF22 conference was held last year. The event will focus on new developments

The CleanHME project started!

Aug/3 By

The CleanHME project officially started its work on August 1, 2020. Over the  next four years, we will work hard to firmly establish metal-hydrides based energy production on the map

write to the project coordinator

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