Politecnico di Torino reports published
Ten reports written by Politecnico di Torino researchers (group lead by prof. Alberto Carpinteri) are published in the Downloads / Scientific Reports section of our website. These newly published reports are marked as “Politecnico di Torino report”.
These reports present years of experimental results, as well as new theoretic results.
These reports contain overwhelming evidence of transmutations during the fracture of brittle materials. Such transmutations are correlated with the presence of high frequency (THz range) phonons, and are accompanied by low intensity neutron emission.
As a practical aspect, these results demonstrate the feasibility of neutron detection based earthquake warning.
The theoretic studies elaborate on the role of high-frequency phonons, and explore what the fission-like transmutation patterns reveal about nuclear structures.
These reports are a solid foundation for exploring the puzzling energy source behind the observed fission-like transmutations.